Site Treatment and Product Information

Treating Sites

NFMAD uses a variety of larvicides and pupacides that are target-specific, killing the juvenile mosquito before it emerges as a flying and biting adult. The District uses larval and pupal products that increase in aggressiveness if trap counts do not drop, along with all other methods of observation and testing.  If thresholds are reached, or there is a W. Nile positive in the trap pool, adulticides will be used in a targeted, focused manner, using calibrated and droplet-tested equipment.  All mosquito control products utilized by NFMAD are listed below, with manufacturer safety data.


This product was new in 2014:  Terminix All Clear:  The first completely non-toxic mosquito control product that will kill adult mosquitoes within 4 days at a rate of 92-97%.  This product is finally available, based on extensive research and development by Israeli scientists.

Terminix is micro-encapsulated garlic oil, with a sugar attractant and citric acid.  It does not require an EPA registration number, nor any filing of NPDES paperwork due to a rating of 100% non-toxicity.  This means the product may be applied around water, organic agriculture of all types, at schools and parks where there are minor children, etc.  This is tremendously exciting for advanced mosquito control working hand in hand with organic/biodynamic agriculture, as well as areas of denser population.

Terminix will last up to 4 weeks, unless there are heavy rains, and does not break down in sunlight.  It is non-toxic to predator species and bees, as long as it is not applied to a flower, or bud, which is easy for the crew.  The product will attract adult mosquitoes 25 feet in all directions from the point of application, hence acting as both a lure and a defensive wall, depending on point of application.

Terminix Label

MSDS Terminix

The order of preference for treatment is as follows:

1.  Larvicides:  Bti products:

VectobacG_msds (Also known as Aquabac)
Aquabac Label


Aquabac comes in several forms, including: shredded corn cobs, sand granules, briquets, and liquid.  Each form has a specific terrain it is appropriate to treat.

Larvicides:  Bs products

Vectolex_msds (Also known as Spheratax)

Vectolex_label  (Also known as Spherotax)

2.  Altosid:  Methoprene

Altosid comes in many forms, and the primary ones NFMAD employs are the briquets and the sand granules. It also comes in a liquid.



Altosid XR-G Label

Altosid has methoprene as the active ingredient, a growth hormone that holds the juvenile mosquito in the metamorphoses state wherein they cannot feed and starve, hence die.

3. BVA larvicide oil

BVA is a blend of food-grade mineral oils that inhibits surface tension, which juvenile mosquitoes rely on to rest.  No rest means death.  BVA is also used as a barrier spray, although it will “burn” foliage on contact…excellent for choking weeds that block drainage, not good for hay or other field crops.


BVA Oil Label

4.  Barrier Spray:

Suspend MSDS  

Suspend is infrequently used by NFMAD in 2014, and virtually eliminated through 2020




5.  Adulticide Products:

Zenivex is alternated into adulticide treatments every 2 years as necessary to avoid resistance.

Zenivex MSDS

Zenivex Label

PermaSease is now the name of Pursuit, Also known as PermX.   Labels below still accurate.

Permasease MSDS

Pursuit Label

PERMX 441 Label


Essentria All Purpose Label

Essentria All-Purpose MSDS