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Mosquito Species and Facts

Culex mosquitoes carry West Nile virus, among other nasty illnesses such as Equine Encephalitis.  Culex mosquitoes tend to bite at dawn and dusk, however this is only a general guideline, and varies in different types of terrain.  The North Fork District is very diverse, with many terrain types from river-bottom to high desert areas.  True protection from West Nile virus requires personal responsibility using clothing, appropriate repellents, and avoidance of outdoor activities at dawn and dusk.  There isn’t one single mosquito control product that will kill 100% of flying and biting adults, regardless of mosquito species, or type of product!  Please, please protect yourself and your family!

Unfortunately, the North Fork District is surrounded by areas of Delta County with ZERO mosquito control, including Crawford reservoir, Lazear, Rogers Mesa, areas of Hotchkiss north of Hansom Mesa Rd, and west of the cemetery, just to name a few.  Over one third of Delta county does not have a mosquito district providing mosquito control, causing high adult mosquito pressure at the western, northern, and southern borders of the District.  Despite NFMAD traps in 2019 testing negative on RAMP throughout the season, every trap set outside the District Borders tested positive.  With a severely underfunded budget, NFMAD cannot extend service outside the boundaries.

Aedes species carry heart worm, a parasite that can kill your dog or cat.

There are some reports of various species of Aedes also carrying West Nile virus, however the particular types of Aedes have not been identified in the North Fork District.  Regardless, it is absolutely essential that every resident practice appropriate mosquito bite prevention!  There isn’t one single mosquito control product that will kill 100% of flying and biting adults, regardless of mosquito species, or type of product.

Aedes Aegypti  is the species that carries Zika, Chikungunya, Dengue fever, and other serious illnesses, but this species has not been observed in Delta county.  If you are traveling to temperate and tropical climates, please take appropriate measures and use repellents containing DEET.

Anopheles mosquito species are the main carriers of malaria, and despite an occasional Anopheles showing up in NFMAD traps, it is NOT the species that carries malaria.

To learn about the five main mosquito species in our valley, click on the species name below.

Culiseta Larvae.pdfAedes Vexans.pdfCulex Pipiens.pdfCulex Tarsalis.pdfOchlerotatus Dorsalis.pdfOSHA WNV Pamphlet.pdf